Monday 18 April 2011

Do you know about "Postman's Park?"

The small green park called "Postman's Park" is located in near the St Paul's Cathedral.

I visited at here two times with my friends.

<Postman's Park>

After I watched a film "Closer", I've interested at this small park.

First scene of the film, "Jude Law" and "Natalie Portman" looked around together this park when they were strolling at centre of London.

Under the sheltered area is a wall commemorating ordinary people who lost their lives trying to save others.

This was the idea of the painter G.F. Watts (1817-1904), and the hand-lettered tiles were made by Doulton.

"Natalie" was impressed at this park's purpose, she were using the name as "Alice Ayres" ,which she saw the name in this park, in the film.

If you go there, you can see many of names which written on the tiles at the special place of this park.

This park gives peaceful mind to you and you would have a chance to think about important of your life.

<Scene of "Closer" film>
it gonna give you how you can get there~ :)

Monday 11 April 2011

Korean Baseball team won the Gold-medal in Olympic.

Do you like a baseball?
If you were man, you might like a sports in your life.
It doesn't matter that is football, baseball, or cricket..

Baseball is famous sports in Korea.
Korea baseball has started in 1982 for 30 years.

Did you see a baseball in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?
Do you know which team won the Gold-medal?
It's KOREA! :)
Korean Team didn't lose for 9 games. They won all the games in Olympics.

Some players who didn't have a army service got a benefit.
Benefit is people who won the medal in Olympic games don't have to go to the army service.
Did you know that? :)
That's why Korean men are put whole his energy on Olympic games..
As a result, Korea baseball team is first in the world.
That's my opinion... haha.. 
I think "2 years.." is very important to players.
During that time, they could earn a lot of money and it might be have a chance to succeess in his life.

Some people said " Baseball's rules are so difficult. So I couldn't understand about fan of baseball."
Yes.. I agree with theirs opinion.